Manufacturer and supplier of Churpi dog chew

Greetings from Agroculture Nepal

Agroculture Nepal is a socially driven export company based in Nepal, known for processing and exporting Chhurpi Dog Chews, with plans to export to countries such as United States of America, European Union, Canada, Japan etc. As the demand for organically sourced agricultural products grows globally, the gap between the farmers and the end consumers grows just thezz same. Agroculture Nepal, keeping this core value in mind, works with over 500 farmers from all over India helping them maintain high standards for the product, and comply with international requirements.

Agroculture Nepal contributes towards 48% of income for over 1500+ farmers, with a goal to increase the number of farmers and income supported

Why work with us?

Agroculture Nepal prides on being a socially driven, agriculture export company. Established in 2016, with a vision to increase/generate income for 10,000 farmers by providing them with the best value for their efforts. The journey started in a small city in Ilam, East Nepal, with a single cow and a single farmer- Mr. Kamal Pandey. The company has since grown and expanded over the course of time. Why Agroculture Nepal? Agroculture Nepal works with dignity, integrity and honesty.

Quality products, testing and R&D

Among the market leaders of Nepal, ACN too is proud of the quality Chhurpi we provide as dog treats to our furry friends. Our product goes through a number of checkpoints, where we manually and mechanically test the products for quality and control. We have acquired certifications from international organisations such as the FDA, that now vouches for our products as well.

Marketing & Commercialization of Nepali Farmed Products

Agroculture Nepal Pvt. Ltd receives its supply from a consortium of 1500+ farmers and we motivate our farmers to commercialise their agricultural products through the development of strategic marketing initiatives. Currently most of the Chhurpi is exported to India, leaving our farmers with only one market for the product, ACN hopes to open more markets areas, and create for avenues for business.

Sustainable Supply Ecosystem

As a visionary agro company in Nepal, it was important for us to get involved with the supply eco system, as lack of backward integration has in the past, resulted in unstable quality, fluctuating prices, and benefits none. By maintaining the ecosystem of supply, Agroculture Nepal supports the production and manufacturing of Nepal's trademarked product, Chhurpi.

Ethical working standards

We believe in fair trade, and fair practices, by a means of growing together economically.

Get in touch with ACN!

Whether you're looking to build your own brand of dog chews, or looking for information on Nepal- we are always here to help. Write to us at Call us at +9779801034663 Or give us a like on our social media!

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